Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Ways in Which to Lower Your Car Insurance Rates

There are many ways in which to lower your insurance policy premiums. Some take a little work from you while others might be offered to you when you request a quote. Before renewing or buying your next insurance policy read through these tips.

One of the best ways to lower your insurance rates is to shop around. If you think you are getting really good rates and service from your current auto insurance company you might not feel the need to shop around. But for most people they will always be on the lookout for a good deal. If this means changing insurance companies it might be a good thing.

When getting quotes makes sure you are comparing apples to apples. That means you need to get quoted for the same coverage with the same limits from each place you request at quote. If you are not happy with any of the rates quoted you can then change around the variables of the policy.

If you request a higher deductible for your comprehensive and collision coverage this should help lower our car insurance cost. After discussing your car with an insurance agent you might discover it is not worth having full coverage on it anymore. If you lower your car insurance coverage, this will in turn reduce your rates.

You might decide the insurance rates are just too high for you because of the car type you have. If you cannot afford this high of insurance rates it might be time to change cars. Buy a car that has a lot of safety features and is in lower rating category and you should get a better rate.

Have a good credit history. This will allow the insurance company to feel more secure that you are going to pay your payments on time. If your credit history shows that you have not always paid your bills on time your rates are likely to go up instead of down.

Maintain a good driving record. The better driver you are and the fewer claims you make, the lower the premium should be for you. A clean motor vehicle record cannot only allow you a better rate but may make you eligible for a safe driver discount.

Discounts are a great way to lower your rates. There are discounts available for a variety of reasons. If you are a safe driver, if you have safety features in your car and/or if you have anti-theft devices installed in your vehicle you should be eligible for one or more discounts. To find out what discounts apply to you simply ask your agent.

These are all reasonable ways in which you can lower your rates. Shopping around for insurance or cleaning up your credit history might take some time but the other ways really do not. Now that you know how to lower your insurance rates what are you waiting for? Go out and do it!


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